How to Downgrade a Database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000
I found this deep in a forum and don’t want it lost (source): As you may all know, SQL Server 2005 request a minimum of 8GB RAM to work… let’s say satisfactorily. I first didn’t know that and after a while from the upgrade I did from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 my SQL Services were […]
Walmart Video Downloads in Firefox
uhhh…where do I login?
Finally, The Truth on OEM Software
I just read a great article on OEM software, called Buying OEM versions of Windows Vista: the facts. I am sure the data here could be extrapolated to any OEM software. The basics with OEM versions of Vista are: You absolutely can buy OEM versions lawfully. There is no difference between OEM and non-OEM versions (EXCEPT): It […]
Dunkin’ Donuts Commercial
My brother-in-law’s commercial is airing in regions where Dunkin’ Donuts are located. Yay! Now playing: The Shins – Australia
Render RadioButtonList as an Unordered List UL
In my latest project, I found the need to use the RadioButtonList which spits out the absolute nastiest HTML to render it unusable (for me anyway). The control gives you to HTML options using the RepeatLayout attribute. Flow spits out a series of span’s and label’s with BR’s if you don’t specify RepeatDirection of Horizontal. […]
Vanity Surfing
In an attempt to not work, I decided to have some fun ego-surfing.
Extreme Halloween
I thought I had seen it all. I went over to a friends house after I gave out my candy.
Microsoft Xbox 1080p – Possibly
Just recently, Microsoft went on record that their HD-DVD drive will also support 1080p. And according to their HD DVD Explained, “This new accessory will connect to the Xbox 360 console with a USB cable”. Did anyone at Microsoft bother to do the math on the amount of bandwith needed to transmit 1080p?: 1080i uncompressed: […]
Ultimate Cat Fighting
If you have never seen the Ultimate Fighting Championship, this will not be worth much.