Find All Children of Parent in Stored Procedure
Given a Parent ID, what is the best way to return all child records, their child records, ad inifitum? I needed this to find all employees beneath a given manager no matter how deep.
String to Enum
I have to do this now and then and each time I don't write this code perfect the first time.
Visual Studio Bugs
Three bugs that piss me off on a daily basis: In VB.NET, if I paste a Sub or Function into a new part of the page or a different page, it throws my cursor not to the end of the pasted code, but to the middle of the last line.
How To Debug Stored Procedures
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Secure MSN Messenger
This is great!
RSS, TiVo for the Internet
No one consumer product that I can think changed my life more than the TiVo.
Search Outlook Emails FAST and FREE
The one thing I hate about Outlook is managing my archived mail.
Using Alt-Tab in Remote Desktop
I stumbled on accident on this one.
Sql Server Templates
I keep saying this, but I can't believe I have been programming in Sql Server for this many years, and never heard of templates. While in Query Analyzer, hit Ctrl-Shift-Ins.
Shrink Sql Server Database and Transaction Log
Shrinking the transaction log was so very easy once I figured it out. All you need to do: 1. Backup your database just in case. 2. Run the following. If your database is called “Vampires”, then Database name will be “Vampires” and most likely your log file will be “Vampires_Log”: USE <DATABASE NAME> BACKUP LOG <DATABASE […]