So, today was the USA vs. Italy World Cup Game. Huge game for the USA. HUUGE. Biggest of my lifetime. Really big.
I invited some friends over. I went to pick up some food to grill and waited for them to arrive.
My friends were late showing up due to horrendous LA traffic, but I had the game on TiVo. When they arrived, my wife sat down with a guest while I was outside grilling. In that time, the TiVo switched to the live TV. My wife, clearly not paying attention, paused the game to stop the loud noises.
I walk into the room and stared aghast at the 80th minute of the game frozen on the screen. Screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs while fumbling for the remote didn’t stop my eyes from catching the score.
And in a matter of seconds, all my plans and desires for a happy World Cup afternoon was lost forever. My screams upset my wife, made my guests uncomfortable, and didn’t even make me feel better.
Lessons learned: If there is a sporting event you really, really, REALLY want to watch, ONLY watch it live. And preferably, only watch it with people that like it as much as you. That way when something good or bad happens, you have someone to share it with.
Update: Sorry, putting an exclamation in the title caused my blog software to blow chunks when someone tried to click on this article. It’s fixed now.