A really close friend and Chiropracter of my wife‘s family passed away today. He had been battling cancer about 6 months ago, and we were told it was in remission. But how he died, and the suddenness of it all isn’t the subject of this post.
I didn’t know him that well, and only heard of him through the family. I have spoken to my wife and her dad, and the admiration that they had for him really got to me. To leave behind so many people that care for you so much is so beautiful it hurts. I cry not because I am sad he is gone, but for the beauty, friendship, joy and happiness that was recipricated between him and so many people.
Yes, he was well off and made many great financial moves, and he had a thriving chiropractic office. I have no doubt that he probably had almost everything he wanted, and more than what 99% of American’s would hope to have in their life.
But to touch people so closely – to hear “Now, he was a great man.”, really brings tears to my eyes.
So Steve, if you…ahem, have a computer with internet access where you are, “Well done. We all have been bettered because you were here. You accomplished so many of your goals, and I have no doubt you WILL be a professional baseball player one day.”