I thought I would list my favorite programmer blogs that I look forward to reading every day. I use Newsgator for Outlook, so it is very easy for me to group them and read them as a part of my daily business.
To be a favorite I look for several things. One, it can’t be over my head or too neophyte. And I would rather get specific examples and code rather than concepts. I also dont like an excess of non-programming talk. This is why I no longer read Chris Sells or Don Box. Don talks about things that I don’t use every day, and it is a bit over my head. Chris talks a lot about other stuff other than code. I understand why they are popular, but they just don’t fit in my mold. No harm.
As warped as it may sound, I really relate to the below people. I almost forget that they are not actually friends because I have read so much of what they have written.
Anyway, so this is what I like in no particular order:
Scott Hanselman, http://www.hanselman.com
Cyrus’s Blather, http://blogs.msdn.com/cyrusn/
David Starr, http://www.elegantcode.com/dottextweb/
Eric Gunnerson, http://blogs.msdn.com/ericgu/
Scott Mitchell, http://scottonwriting.net/sowBlog/
Scott Watermasysk, http://scottwater.com/
Kent Sharkey, http://blogs.msdn.com/ksharkey
Keep in mind that I do read lots of other ones, but these are my favorite.
One response to “My Favorite Blogs”
Hey, cool. Thanks for the trackback!