Category: Programming

  • Deauthorize iTunes Before Reformatting

    I added this to my Reinstall Windows Todo List, but felt I should devote one blog on it because of its importance. To put it simply, iTunes allows you to play or “authorize” your music on up to 5 computers. If you reformat your machine before “deauthorizing” it, you waste one of those licenses. As […]

  • Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 For Free

    Well, almost free. You have to pay tax and shipping for $6.48. Get it here.

  • Reinstalling Windows

    Something great happens when you finally succumb to the inevitable fact that you need to wipe your machine. That happened for me at 4 PM yesterday. Over the last few weeks, I tried everything to speed it up, but no amount of defrag’ing, deleting, uninstalling was doing it. But when you finally relent to what […]

  • Windows 2003 SP1 Errors

    Since I installed SP1 here are the problems I am having: MSN Messenger gives me 4 script errors each time I sign in: Line 373, Char 2, Unspecified error, URL: MSN Messenger will prevent me from using the ENTER key when sending a message. Once I restart it, it will work for awhile before […]

  • Hiding a Row in ASP.NET

    Many things that I come across are “No Duh”. This is one of them. I frequently see code from other programmers that incorrectly use Panel for the purpose of hiding content. What they don’t understand is that a Panel tag renders a table, and as such can’t be used around Table Rows. For instance, this: […]

  • ReSharper Help and Tutorial

    I have found that for me, ReSharper wasn't even close to as great a help until I changed my operating basis regarding how I write code. Many times there are many subtle things you do differently, which just causes pain with ReSharper. It also wasn't easy for me to find and remember all the key […]

  • Omea Reader Replaces Newsgator for RSS

    So, I finally found a great replacement for Newsgator. Truth is, I found nothing. I just follow several months behind Tim Haines. First I moved to Sauce Reader because of Tim's Post Here, then when I mentioned my problems with it, he let me know about another one. Thanks Tim! Anyway, although long overdue, I […]

  • Resharper, CodeRush, Visual Assist Comparison

    In the spirit of Scotty and Timmy among many others, I decided to try out these tools. Keep in mind these are my opinions, so I will qualify this once here so I don't have to keep doing that below. Also keep in mind (even when visiting the guys I linked too) that most of […]

  • Ticks to Seconds in DateTime

    In using ticks with the TimeSpan and DateTime classes, I couldn’t find a reference anywhere to tell me how many Ticks were in a Second. Call me crazy. Now I know. 1 second = 10,000,000 Ticks = 100 nanoseconds

  • Call DTS Package From Stored Procedure

    I figured this out a LOOONNG time ago, but couldn’t find it quickly when I needed it today. Like many things I post, I do it for myself so that I can easily find it later. So, if you want to call a DTS Package from a sproc, here’s the code: //Replace DTS_NAME with the […]