Category: Programming

  • Jeffrey Richter’s new book: CLR via C#

    By far my favorite technical author is Jeffrey Richter.  The combination of clarity, depth and slight humor is simply unrivalled in the computer industry. Several times I have done searches trying to find out when he would have a new book coming out. I have read his Applied .NET Framework cover to cover, and almost cover […]

  • Counting Down Until Community Server

    I am counting down the days until February 17th when Community Server version 2 goes RTM.  The latest Beta 3 were released last week, and I am biting my download trigger finger to keep from installing it.  Just a few more weeks… Sometime in the recent few weeks I jumped to a Google PageRank of […]

  • Windows XP on a Mac at Best Buy

    From Check out the pic of their Apple powerbook. Ooooppps. You can see for yourself here.

  • CSS Fun With MySpace

    A bunch of kids at my work are on myspace, and they spend TONS of time on the website. I spent some time looking at their sites they created, and came to the realization that the basic point is to make something so disgusting and hard to read than your friend. There is no observation […]

  • Outlook 12 Beta Arrived

    More Office 12 pics here.

  • Google Date

    Check what happend the day you were born:

  • Perfect Dark Zero

    Being one of the lucky ones to have an Xbox 360, I try to play it every day. Lately, it has been Perfect Dark Zero. What is fun for me is that my buddy Alan and I play the game missions co-operatively together. We hook up each night for about an hour and play the […]

  • XHTML Transitional Compliance Problems

    So I ran into a few snafu’s trying to use the w3c’s XHTML validator: 1. The doctype declaration is case sensitive. This incorrect doctype: <!doctype HTML public “-//W3C//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en”> is not the same as this correct one: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”> 2. The xml declaration must be put ABOVE your […]

  • Using SQL Dateparts

    I don't know what my problem is with my short term memory, but certain things defy my ability to remember. Which way do I turn the faucet? Did I pass my street to the barbershop? What the heck DID I do last weekend? In all seriousness, I was posed that last question one week after […]

  • Off to the PDC

    Ok, not really. I live 5 miles away. But I am mentally off. Ok, not really. I just wanted to waste everyones time. Ok.